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When I asked my friend Linda, the librarian for her favorite childhood poem, she wrote this from memory.  Beautiful handwriting, perfect spelling and punctuation.

I try to find poems that are relevant to kids today .

Poems are a great way to introduce a new and colorful vocabulary to growing minds.  Please take the time to read poetry to your children and define any words that they may not have heard before.

April Halprin Wayland


by April Halprin Wayland


I’m sure there’s a found poem somewhere here.

There usually is this time of year.


Didn’t a red-haired boy lose words

that were found last May by a flightless bird?


And then that search and rescue hound

dug up sixteen poems he’d found.


Listen for falling bulletin boards,

and scowling poem-poaching hordes


who stomp all over this hallowed ground

until the hidden poems are found.


I’ll bring a flashlight, you bring a rake

we’ll get down on our knees and make


a poem from words that have trampolined

off an internet ad or a magazine


into the woods some starry night

waiting for searching kids who might


find a poem if they’re brave and follow

the hoot of an owl to the end of the hollow.

Dear Carol,


...and I find your work absolutely delightful--and so full of kindness and generosity, just viewing it makes me a better person!


My goal in life these days is to be kind...I salute you 


So, of course you may use my work. Thank you for asking. Thank you for crediting me. 

J. Patrick Lewis

I like this one from his "Science Trickery"




An absolutely famous guy,

He showed us all the reasons why,

By flying super fast, you know,

Your watch runs relatively slow.


Giant among the brilliant giants,

He wrote formulas for science.

So amazing, they contain

Stuff exclusively for brains!


Answer:  Albert Einstein

 Carrie Heyes

Twinkle, twinkle,


You're not a star high in the sky

But a bug whose bum shines bright.

I love to watch your twinkle-light.

What a lovely message from you. I think this idea is so beautiful, spreading cheer to those who need it most. I’m honored to be asked and I’m happy to give my permission for any of my poems to be used. May I see one or two when they’re finished? Would you like me to send written copies of the ones you would like to use?

I noticed that you give credit on the postcards and that’s all I ask.

You’re making the world a better place with your work. I’m lucky to be associated with your project. 

Thanks for thinking of me!
Carrie Heyes

Meet Barbara Vance


Barbara Vance was born in Colorado and lives in Dallas, Texas. She is the author and illustrator of the award-winning poetry collection, Suzie Bitner Was Afraid of the Drain. She has a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in literature and storytelling. After teaching for many years at a university, she founded her own company, Vance Studios, where she walks thousands of writers through the story-creation process.

Thank you for your lovely email. Absolutely. Please feel free to use the verses for your lovely cards. Thank you for your kindness!

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